
IEEE Fellow悉尼大學(xué)Abbas Jamalipour教授講座通知


IEEE VTS學(xué)會(huì )哈爾濱分會(huì )主席、哈工大電信學(xué)院吳宣利副教授邀請,無(wú)線(xiàn)通信領(lǐng)域國際著(zhù)名學(xué)者、IEEE FellowIEICE FellowACM專(zhuān)家委員會(huì )委員、澳大利亞工程院院士、IEEE Wireless Communications前主編,悉尼大學(xué)Abbas Jamalipour教授將于20181015~20181016日來(lái)哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)講學(xué)和交流研討。并將分別于20181015日和1016日進(jìn)行學(xué)術(shù)講座,歡迎全校感興趣的師生參加。

   講學(xué)題目1:  5G Wireless Networking Technologies


   講學(xué)地點(diǎn):哈工大科學(xué)園2A1011會(huì )議室

   報告內容簡(jiǎn)介:The efficient use of transmission power and frequency spectrum have been the main focus in development of new technologies for all generations of wireless cellular communications. With the emergence of bandwidth hungry applications running on large-screen smart phones, a new focus is evolving for future 5G and Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks: Efficient traffic control. Traffic control is becoming a critical design factor in unavoidably ultra-dense cellular and mixed cellular and non-cellular wireless network scenarios. Ultra-dense networks are to overcome the problem of increasing per-user capacity and spectral efficiency by making cells smaller and bringing base stations closer to mobile hosts. With the emergence of highly delay sensitive applications such as connected vehicles and driverless cars, we need to make sure that while spectrum and energy are used efficiently, traffic load is also controlled well and the network delay is kept at extremely low levels. In this talk, the three factors of power, spectrum, and traffic load will therefore become the basis for the introduction of critical technologies to facilitate reliable and scalable operation of the 5G and IoT networks.

   講學(xué)題目2:  Managing Dense Cellular Networks through Software Defined Networking


   講學(xué)地點(diǎn):哈工大科學(xué)園2A1011會(huì )議室

   報告內容簡(jiǎn)介:The exponential growth of cellular network traffic and flattening spectral efficiency are two of the biggest challenges facing beyond 4G/5G wireless cellular networks. On the demand side, network traffic is exponentially growing and becoming much more diverse while on the supply side; the available spectrum and spectral efficiency are flattening out. One way for overcoming the problem of increasing per-user capacity and spectral efficiency is to make cells smaller and bring base stations closer to mobile hosts, thus reducing the number of users per cell and improving per link SNR. As a result, network deployments in beyond 4G/5G wireless cellular networks will inevitably become extremely dense. The current architectures are however unable to support such extremely dense cellular and wireless deployments. One way to improve the cellular network architecture is to apply the fundamentals of software defined networking (SDN) to design layers of system and abstractions that simplifies the deployment and management of extremely dense wireless cellular networks. SDN can programmatically decouple network architectures from infrastructure, thus making it easier for deploying new applications and services, as well as for tuning network policy and performance. When the SDN theory is applied, base stations perform basic packet-processing functions under the command of a logically centralized controller. Thus, SDN enables distribution of data-plane rules over multiple, low-cost network switches, hence reducing the scalability of the packet gateway and enabling flexible handling of data traffic over the cellular network. In this talk a new architecture design for future wireless cellular networks will be explored.


         Abbas Jamalipour is the Professor of Ubiquitous Mobile Networking at the University of Sydney, Australia, and holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Nagoya University, Japan. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, IEICE of Japan, and the Institution of Engineers Australia; an ACM Professional Member, and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. He has authored six technical books, eleven book chapters, over 450 technical papers, and five patents, all in the area of wireless communications. He was the Editor-in-Chief IEEE Wireless Communications, Vice President-Conferences and a member of Board of Governors of the IEEE Communications Society, and has been an editor for several journals. He was a General Chair or Technical Program Chair for a number of conferences, such as IEEE GLOBECOM2018, ICC2014, PIMRC2012, and WCNC2010. Dr. Jamalipour is an elected member of the Board of Governors, Executive Vice-President, Chair of Fellow Evaluation Committee, and the Editor-in-Chief of the Mobile World, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He is recipient of a number of prestigious IEEE awards and 15 Best Paper Awards. He is one of the highly cited authors in the field of cellular networks.