
University of Paris 13大學(xué)Jalel BEN-OTHMAN教授講座通知


 應IEEE ComSoc哈爾濱分會(huì )主席、哈工大電信學(xué)院韓帥副教授邀請,無(wú)線(xiàn)通信領(lǐng)域國際著(zhù)名學(xué)者University of Paris 13大學(xué)Jalel BEN-OTHMAN教授將于20181025-28日來(lái)哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)講學(xué)和交流研討。將于2018102620181027舉行學(xué)術(shù)講座,歡迎全校感興趣的師生參加。


講學(xué)題目: DoS in Vanets an issue or a fatality


講學(xué)地點(diǎn):哈工大科學(xué)園2A1011會(huì )議室

報告內容簡(jiǎn)介:Wireless and mobile networks have many advantages as easy deployment, user mobility and provides network access to users regardless to their locations. The most critical problems that arise in these networks are on the resource allocations as the bandwidth is limited, the propagation (multi-path, fading distortion) and security since communications are transmitted over radio waves. In parallel new architectures/technologies have been emerged as Vehicular Networks and Internet of Things. In this lecture, will present issues about availability  problem in those networks and architecture, Jalel will focus on Vehicular Networks, and will present some works we have done and other works to improve security in those systems. 


講學(xué)題目:Stochastic Tools used to Improve and/or to evaluate  MAC layer in Wireless networks


講學(xué)地點(diǎn):哈工大科學(xué)園2A1011會(huì )議室

報告內容簡(jiǎn)介:Wireless and mobile networks have many advantages as easy deployment, user mobility and provides network access to users regardless to their locations. The most critical issues that arise in those networks are on the resource allocations as the bandwidth is limited, the propagation (multi-path, fading distortion) and security since communications are transmitted over radio waves. In this seminar Jalel will present several works  done to model/Improve Quality of Service in Wireless networks. Three different methods will be presented in this lecture. In the first part a new model based on Markov chains is presented to model the different service classes  defined in IEEE 802.16. The second part Jalel will present a new AC that they have defined for IEEE 802.16 and they have evaluated using Stochastic Automata Networks. Finally Jalel will present a stochastic model that for admission control in wireless networks using IEEE 802.11 standard. 



    Jalel Ben-Othman received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees both in Computer Science from the University of Pierre et Marie Curie, (Paris 6) France in 1992, and 1994 respectively. He received his PhD degree from the University of Versailles, France, in 1998. He was an Assistant Professor at the University of Orsay (Paris 11) and University of Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), in 1998 and 1999 respectively. He was an Associate Professor at the University of Versailles from 2000 to 2011. He is now full professor at University of Paris. Dr. Ben-Othman’s research interests are in the area of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, Broadband Wireless Networks, multi-services bandwidth management in WLAN (IEEE 802.11), WMAN (IEEE 802.16), WWAN (LTE), security in wireless networks in general and wireless sensor and ad hoc networks in particular. His work appears in highly respected international journals and conferences, including, IEEE ICC, Globecom, LCN, VTC, PIMRC, etc. He has supervised and co-supervised several graduate students in these areas.